Pack Updates
on Jun 9, 2014
Lots of great textures have been added to the repos! We welcome a new member to the github team. @Oddface has been doing great work on both the 1.6.x branch and the 1.7.x branch. You can see his latest commits and his hard work here. Among other things @Glowstrontium has been welcomed back with open arms to help add textures to the repos. He has been hard at work on updating natura and other mods. @kardain has also been hard at work updating mods, and creating great textures (link, link).
There has been a lot of activity so make sure you check out the commit histories in the links below. Thank you again to all the contributors. People from the FTB thread and also from the minecraft forum. It is the hard work of all these people, and community members, that allow for JSTR to continue to be updated, and remain at the current quality.
Modpack Update details:
The modded downloads page has been updated to reflect the changes. These packs were compiled with the latest repo files as of the posting of this blog post. The modded 1.7.x pack has grown tenfold and really have become a playable pack. No packs were added to the downloads page, but all downloads were updated to contain the latest textures.The full list is on the downloads page where you can see all the options. The universal packs contain all mods from the modded repo. Enjoy!
Repo commit history: